Thursday, August 30, 2007

Some Droolings on Life and Comics?

So I have decided that it is time to set aside momentarily the character catalogue (yes after two submissions), and turn my attention to actually producing a comic of sorts that would be just as effective at introducing my characters. The point of the mini-catalogue in the first place was to introduce and describe my characters as if they were new friend of sorts, so after reading a rather informative article about making mini comics, as usual I have been super inspired. The only thing stopping me from 'doing art' as a living is myself, and I must admit that with Mikey getting busy with his new site and three blogs, I am seeing that it will require work, but fun work (not the work I am about to go to in less than an hour, mehk!). I've already familiarized myself with the world of Kinko’s, so it seems perfectly suitable that I spend a bit more time there trying to produce a few copies of a mini comic. Which first of course, requires that I actually produce a comic in the first place? SO! Where to begin? A crap load of drawing lies ahead. Not to mention a really cool contest that I read about on the same sight where the mini comic blog was posted. (, that I would like to participate in. And thankfully the contest has a deadline which always helps an anal retentive organizational freak like myself.

And in other news, I've decided that Work is a sort of boring tragedy of American job culture (thanks for the article Storm) and that the lack of personal discipline turns into a homicidal maniac barrier when pursuing personal desires of the creative mind and soul. My disillusionment with a day job and all that that implies has begun to border a sense of frantic desperation! And on top of these feelings I have been having immensely vivid dreams that in capture Youth in its most full essence, an imaginary perfect Youth, and when I awake I am filled with a sad and reminiscent feelings for a past only procured from dreams! Strange images of people and faces I once knew or never knew at all, mixed atop a background of school campuses or towns that are forever Young, very strange indeed

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