Sunday, August 19, 2007

Character Catalog #1

I am starting a catalog of my most prized and special characters, so that I can reference them as if it were my own family album. This little project of mine is also meant to be part of a larger top secret project, not to be revealed until, well, its actually done. I have been known to talk about big projects too much and then never complete them, so I've decided to keep my mouth shut until I have something to show for it. This is Character Number One: Dazed Frog, and a few details you need to know about him.


Next Up - Character Number Two: Smoking Cockroach


Killer said...

love this guy!!!!!! and his companion :)

MJA said...

"I have been known to talk about big projects too much and then never complete them, so I've decided to keep my mouth shut until I have something to show for it."

so, you came up with a strategy to defeat how you're all talk and no show and then threw it out the window in the same sentence?

stormko said...

Some new colors in here.

It IS true that not talking about projects because you don't do them is not a solution. In fact, when you think about it, there's nothing cooler than someone who does talk about what they are going to do and then they actually do it.

How many people do you know that do THAT?

Killer said...

I think sometimes people who have seen you not do something you planned on doing will expect you to not do something else you say you will do, so by not telling people you are sometimes simply avoiding their pessimism.

MJA said...

" by not telling people you are sometimes simply avoiding their pessimism."

or you just know there's a chance you'll be lazy and not actually do it, so you're just trying to avoid the future question "what ever happened to that project you were working on." (i know. i've been there)

give people a reason to believe in you and they will. do a lot of talk and don't follow through and their faith in you will dwindle. it's not pessimism, it's just reality. not that my faith in gub has dwindled, i'm just sayin.